
Showing posts from 2014

A minha colecção do 3º ano!!

E finalmente aconteceu!! Para explicar melhor, vou traduzir um post que fiz no facebook, ontem à noite: Foram apenas dois minutos. Talvez um pouco mais, talvez um pouco menos. Mas foi tão rápido e de repente acabou. Senti uma mescla de emoções desde alegria, felicidade, orgulho, até medo, decepção, e falta de confiança em mim mesma. Tudo bem, já vou na 3a vez, acho que já estou habituada. Qual é a diferença então?

The 3rd Year Graduate Fashion Show

It finally happened!! To best explain I will quote a post I made on Facebook last night. It took two minutes. Maybe a little bit more maybe a little less. But it was so fast and then it was gone. I experienced a pocketful of emotions ranging from excitement, happiness, pride, to fear, disappointment and lack of confidence. Its alright, by the third time i think i should be used to it. What's the difference now then?

Presenting my Range Branding...

So, after two and a half years of hard work, Here is a preview of what's to come August 16 2014. Finally!!! SHARE IT Tweet

The Tailored Suit

The suit I dreaded to make. All I heard about suits was that it was super difficult to make. And I mean, it was a general pattern we were making, no specific design details. The only think we could choose to make some sort of statement was the fabrication and haberdasheries. In other words, fabric and buttons, threads, lining, etc.

1980s Power Tunes Photography/ Styling Brief.

Here comes my favorite photography/styling task I had last year. We had a collaboration brief with the students from the  Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography , right up our road here in Technopark, and we had a theme and a song assigned to us: Power Tunes of the 1980s, Madonna - Like a Virgin . I screamed with excitement when I got the song! It was great!

Hello 2014!

Hello 2014!