My Personal Thanksgiving...

So, what's up babies, I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas near the ones you love, and if you're not Christian, I hope you are enjoying the holiday buzz.. and feeling, and atmosphere. My Christmas was filled with love from my family. I kind of decided to make it a Christmas/Thanksgiving holiday, since we do not celebrate thanksgiving in Mozambique. I would like to thank ... My family ~ for putting up with me on my hardest moments, and on my happiest. Always giving me the strength to stay strong, and to believe, above everything. Always standing beside me. Love you for that. My friends ~ oh well, you know you did all the dirty work, didn't you? My friends, thank you for really putting up with the worst in me, and to pulling out the best, supporting my decisions (the wise ones), and being by my side no matter what. We might fight sometimes, but it's all coming from the heart. Heart you. Myself ~ for making it through the year, for standing strong, for mak...